

Monday, October 24, 2016

Work with Parallel Database Streams using Java 8

What is a Parallel Database Stream?

Read this post and learn how you can process data from a database in parallel using parallel streams and Speedment. Parallel streams can, under many circumstances, be significantly faster than the usual sequential streams.

With the introduction of Java 8, we got the long awaited Stream library. One of the advantages with streams is that it is very easy to make streams parallel. Basically, we could take any stream and then just apply the method parallel() and we get a parallel stream instead of a sequential one. By default, parallel streams are executed by the common ForkJoinPool.
Spire and Duke Working in Parallel

Parallel streams are good if the work items to be performed in the parallel stream pipelines are largely uncoupled and when the effort of dividing up the work in several threads is relatively low. Equally, the effort of combining the parallel results must also be relatively low.

So, if we have work items that are relatively compute intensive, then parallel streams would often make sense.

Speedment is an open-source Stream ORM Java Toolkit and RuntimeJava tool that wraps an existing database and its tables into Java 8 streams. We can use an existing database and run the Speedment tool and it will generate POJO classes that corresponds to the tables we have selected using the tool.

One cool feature with Speedment is that the database streams supports parallelism using the standard Stream semantics. This way, we can easily work with database content in parallel and produce results much faster than if we process the streams sequentially!

Getting Started With Speedment

Visit open-souce Speedment on GitHub and learn how to get started with a Speedment project. It should be very easy to connect the tool to an existing database.

In this post, the following MySQL table is used for the examples below.

CREATE TABLE `prime_candidate` (
  `value` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `prime` bit(1) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

The idea is that people may insert values into this table and then we will write an application that computes if the inserted values are a prime numbers or not. In a real case scenario, we could use any table in a MySQL, PostgreSQL or MariaDB database.

Writing a Sequential Stream Solution

First, we need to have a method that returns if a value is a prime number. Here is a simple way of doing it. Note that the algorithm is purposely made slow so we clearly can se the effects of parallel streams over an expensive operation.

public class PrimeUtil {

     * Returns if the given parameter is a prime number.
     * @param n the given prime number candidate
     * @return if the given parameter is a prime number
        static boolean isPrime(long n) {
        // primes are equal or greater than 2 
        if (n < 2) {
            return false;
        // check if n is even
        if (n % 2 == 0) {
            // 2 is the only even prime
            // all other even n:s are not
            return n == 2;
        // if odd, then just check the odds
        // up to the square root of n
        // for (int i = 3; i * i <= n; i += 2) {
        // Make the methods purposely slow by
        // checking all the way up to n
        for (int i = 3; i <= n; i += 2) {
            if (n % i == 0) {
                return false;
        return true;


Again, the object of this post is not to devise an efficient prime number determination method.

Given this simple prime number method, we can now easily write a Speedment application that will scan the database table for undetermined prime number candidates and then it will determine if they are primes or not and update the table accordingly. This is how it might look:

final JavapotApplication app = new JavapotApplicationBuilder()
            .withPassword("javapot") // Replace with the real password
        final Manager<PrimeCandidate> candidates = app.getOrThrow(PrimeCandidateManager.class);
            .filter(PrimeCandidate.PRIME.isNull())                      // Filter out undetermined primes
            .map(pc -> pc.setPrime(PrimeUtil.isPrime(pc.getValue())))   // Sets if it is a prime or not
            .forEach(candidates.updater());                             // Applies the Manager's updater

The last part contains the interesting stuff. First, we create a stream over all candidates where the 'prime' column is null using the stream().filter(PrimeCandidate.PRIME.isNull()) method. It is important to understand that the Speedment stream implementation will recognize the filter predicate and will be able to use that to reduce the number of candidates that are actually pulled in from the database (e.g. a "SELECT * FROM candidate WHERE prime IS NULL" will be used). Then, for each such prime candidate pc, we either set the 'prime' column to true if pc.getValue() is a prime or false if pc.getValue() is not a prime. Interestingly, the pc.setPrime() method returns the entity pc itself, allowing us to easily tag on multiple stream operations. On the last line, we update the database with the result of our check by applying the candidates.updater() function. So, this application's main functionality is really a one-liner (broken up into five lines for improved readability).

Now, before we can test our application, we need to generate some test data input. Here is an example of how that can be done using Speedment:

final JavapotApplication app = new JavapotApplicationBuilder()
            .withPassword("javapot") // Replace with the real password

        final Manager<PrimeCandidate> candidates = app.getOrThrow(PrimeCandidateManager.class);

        final Random random = new SecureRandom();

        // Create a bunch of new prime candidates
        random.longs(1_100, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            .mapToObj(new PrimeCandidateImpl()::setValue)  // Sets the random value 
            .forEach(candidates.persister());              // Applies the Manager's persister function

Again, we can accomplish our task with just a few lines of code.

Try the Default Parallel Stream

If we want to parallelize our stream, we just need to add one single method to our previous solution:

            .parallel()                                 // Now indicates a parallel stream
            .map(pc -> pc.setPrime(PrimeUtil.isPrime(pc.getValue())))
            .forEach(candidates.updater());             // Applies the Manager's updater

And we are parallel! However, by default, Speedment is using Java's default parallelization behavior (as defined in Spliterators::spliteratorUnknownSize) which is optimized for non-compute-intensive operations. If we analyze Java's default parallelization behavior, we will determine that it will use a first thread for the first 1024 work items, a second thread for the following 2*1024 = 2048 work items and then 3*1024 = 3072 work items for the third thread and so on. This is bad for our application, where the cost of each operation is very high. If we are computing 1100 prime candidates, we will only use two threads because the first thread will take on the first 1024 items and the second thread will take on the rest 76. Modern servers have a lot more threads than that. Read the next section to see how we can fix this issue.

Built-in Parallelization Strategies

Speedment has a number of built-in parallelization strategies that we can select depending on the work item's expected computational demands. This is an improvement over Java 8 that only has one default strategy. The built-in parallel strategies are:

public interface ParallelStrategy {

     * A Parallel Strategy that is Java's default <code>Iterator</code> to
     * <code>Spliterator</code> converter. It favors relatively large sets (in
     * the ten thousands or more) with low computational overhead.
     * @return a ParallelStrategy
    static ParallelStrategy computeIntensityDefault() {...}

     * A Parallel Strategy that favors relatively small to medium sets with
     * medium computational overhead.
     * @return a ParallelStrategy
    static ParallelStrategy computeIntensityMedium() {...}

     * A Parallel Strategy that favors relatively small to medium sets with high
     * computational overhead.
     * @return a ParallelStrategy
    static ParallelStrategy computeIntensityHigh() {...}

     * A Parallel Strategy that favors small sets with extremely high
     * computational overhead. The set will be split up in solitary elements
     * that are executed separately in their own thread.
     * @return a ParallelStrategy
    static ParallelStrategy computeIntensityExtreme() {...}

    <T> Spliterator<T> spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, int characteristics);

    static ParallelStrategy of(final int... batchSizes) {
        return new ParallelStrategy() {
            public <T> Spliterator<T> spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, int characteristics) {
                return ConfigurableIteratorSpliterator.of(iterator, characteristics, batchSizes);

Applying a Parallel Strategy

The only thing we have to do is to configure a parallelization strategy to a manager like this, and we are good to go:

Manager<PrimeCandidate> candidatesHigh = app.configure(PrimeCandidateManager.class)

        candidatesHigh.stream() // Better parallel performance for our case!
            .map(pc -> pc.setPrime(PrimeUtil.isPrime(pc.getValue())))

The ParallelStrategy.computeIntensityHigh() strategy will break up the work items in much smaller chunks. This will give us considerably better performance, since we now are going to use all the available threads. If we look under the hood, we can see that the strategy is defined like this:

    private final static int[] BATCH_SIZES = IntStream.range(0, 8)

This means that, on a computer with 8 threads, it will put one item on thread 1-4, two items on thread 5-8 and when the tasks are completed there will be four items on the next four available threads, then eight items and so on until we reach 256 which is the maximum items put on any thread. Obviously, this strategy is much better than Java's standard strategy for this particular problem.

Here is how the threads in the common ForkJoinPool looks like on my 8 threaded laptop:

Create Your Own Parallel Strategy

One cool thing with Speedment is that we, very easily, can write our parallelization strategy and just inject it into our streams. Consider this custom parallelization strategy:

    public static class MyParallelStrategy implements ParallelStrategy {

        private final static int[] BATCH_SIZES = {1, 2, 4, 8};

        public <T> Spliterator<T> spliteratorUnknownSize(Iterator<? extends T> iterator, int characteristics) {
            return ConfigurableIteratorSpliterator.of(iterator, characteristics, BATCH_SIZES);


Which, in fact, it can be expressed even shorter:

    ParallelStrategy myParallelStrategy = ParallelStrategy.of(1, 2, 4, 8);

This strategy will put one work item on the first available thread, two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth with eight being the last digit in our array. The last digit will then be used for all subsequent available threads. So the order really becomes 1, 2, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, ... We can now use our new strategy as follows:

Manager<PrimeCandidate> candidatesCustom = app.configure(PrimeCandidateManager.class)

            .map(pc -> pc.setPrime(PrimeUtil.isPrime(pc.getValue())))

Voilà! We have full control over how the work items are laid out over the available execution threads.


All benchmarks used the same input of prime candidates. Tests were run on a MacBook Pro, 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 with 4 physical cores and 8 threads.


Sequential                       265 s (One thread processed all 1100 items)
Parallel Default Java 8          235 s (Because 1024 items were processed by thread 1 and 76 items by thread 2)
Parallel computeIntensityHigh()   69 s (All 4 hardware cores were used)


Speedment supports parallel processing of database content.

Speedment supports a variety of parallel strategies to allow full utilization of the execution environment.

We can easily create our own parallel strategies and use them in our Speedment streams.

It is possible to improve performance significantly by carefully selecting a parallel strategy over just settling with Java's default one.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Java 8: A Closer Look at Speedment 3.0.1 “Forest” Stream ORM

Following the Road

I have been contributing to the open-source project Speedment (which is a Stream ORM Java Toolkit and Runtime) and a new major version called 3.0.1 “Forest” was just released. Releases are named after the avenues in Palo Alto, California where most of the contributors work. Each new major release gets a new name by following Middlefield Road southwards. The new version is now modularized which helps developers keep up the good pace. There are also a large number of new features for Speedment users and in this article we will look into some of the things to discover!


People used to older ORMs can now use Speedment in the same way when creating, updating or removing entities from a database. For example, we can create entities in a database “JPA-style” like this:
Hare hare = new HareImpl();

entityManager.persist(hare);  // Persists (=inserts) the new Hare in the database

While this is not a big change, it is still convenient.

Declarative Stream Composition

Speedment database queries are expressed as operations on Standard Java 8 Streams. In the new version, the Speedment API provides methods that returns functions rather than operating on objects directly. This simplifies something called Declarative Stream Composition which simply means that it becomes easier and more efficient to write streams.

Let us take a closer look at an example where we want to join objects from two different tables. We have two tables “hare” and “carrot” where “carrot” has a field named “owner” that is a foreign key to the column “hare”.”id”. The task is to build a Map that contains all Hare entities as keys and a List of Carrot entities that belongs to a particular Hare via its foreign key, as values. This can be expressed like this:

Map<Hare, List<Carrot>> joinMap = carrots.stream()
        groupingBy(hares.finderBy(Carrot.OWNER)) // Applies the finderBy(Carrot.OWNER) classifier

The goupingBy() method takes a Function that maps from a Carrot to a Hare entity. So, by working by methods that returns functions, our code becomes very compact. This also opens up future ways of optimizing the stream, since these functions can be identified and analyzed in the stream pipeline prior to the stream is started. It should be noted that both the collect() and groupingBy() methods are standard Java 8 methods.

Even Better Code Generation

Speedment generates code automatically from the database schema data. One good thing with Speedment is that we can see, understand and change the generated code. This makes things less “magic” compared to other ORMs and puts the developer in the driving seat. The new code generation functionalities include:

Support for Primitive Types

Now we can use primitive types like int, long or double for columns and improve both execution speed and memory usage. Nullable fields can be mapped to specialized Optional types like OptionalInt, OptionalLong and OptionalDouble consistent with Java 8 code styling.

Modular Code Generation

We can plug in our own code generation logic and adapt the default code generator. This comes in handy for us developers that might understand our domain model in depth and want to leverage that knowledge. When new functionality is added by customizing the code generator, these new features will be applied immediately to all generated code. Code the code and get leverage!

Compatibility Mode

Some older solutions are not prepared for Optional fields and so a new “compatibility” mode was added where, for example, a nullable integer will be returned as an Integer and not as an OptionalInt.

Configurable Name Space

We can now configure the code generator to put entities, managers and configuration objects individually on any namespace. This is good for modularized projects.

Improved Code Renderer

Speedment is using a Model View Controller (MVC) paradigm for code generation. This means that the code Model (which is an Abstract Syntax Tree) is separate from the actual code rendering (View). The Views have been updated and improved so it produces better looking code.

Checksum Protection

Manually changes classes are protected by checksums so that they are retained even if we decide to change the name space.

Increased Type Safety

Speedment can now map columns that take values from small sets of strings to Enums further improving type safety. When the generated code uses an Enum, any mismatch between the database model and the values used in the business logic will be found as early as possible by the compiler, instead of later in the development cycle.

Improved Logging for Transparency

Speedment has a new logging system to allow us to see the exact SQL code being sent to the database. This is good for transparency and allows us to see precisely what is happening under the hood. We can easily enable logging of all CRUD operations like this:

HaresApplication loggingApp = new HaresApplicationBuilder()

Manager<Hare> hares = loggingApp.getOrThrow(HareManager.class);

long oldHares = hares.stream()

System.out.println("There are " + oldHares + " old hares");

This will produce the following log:
2016-10-19T20:50:21.957Z DEBUG [main] (#SELECT) - 
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `hares`.`hare` WHERE (`hares`.`hare`.`age` > ?), values:[8]

There are 30 old hares

Improved User Interface

The graphical tool has been improved in many ways. Now, we get warnings and tips that gives us better guidance. Several code generator configuration options have been added and we also see more relevant information when we select different configuration objects.

New Maven Goals

There are two new Maven goals; “clear” and “reload”, that can be used to automate and simplify the building process. The goal “clear” removes all generated code (that is not manually changed) and “reload” reloads the domain model directly from an existing database (metadata).

Take it for a Spin

Check out open-source Speedment on GitHub where there also is a Wiki and a quick start guide. Feel free to give feedback and join the discussion via Gitter.

Drive safely!