Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Java: Release of Speedment 3.2 - Now Enabling Lightweight Database Microservices

Several traditional ORMs do not fully honor Java module encapsulation (JPMS). This often means a lot of unnecessary files and classes are used when deploying microservices. The latest major release 3.2 of open-source Speedment solves this problem by introducing module system support allowing efficient deployment of cloud applications and providing a more stringent API.

In this article, you will learn what’s new in Speedment 3.2 and how you can deploy cloud database applications that are 10 times smaller and using much less memory.

Support for Java Platform Module System (JPMS)

The biggest feature in Speedment 3.2 is undoubtedly native support for JPMS. Every module in Speedment now contains its own file and honors strict encapsulation.

As a developer, it is completely optional to use the module system and thanks to its multi-release JARs, Speedment can still be run under Java 8. You can elect to migrate to JPMS now, later or never.

Other ORMs, such as Hibernate, might support parts of JPMS but does not honor strict encapsulation (e.g. requires --add-opens to be added manually, thereby bypassing protection from accessing internal/protected classes).

Optional Modules Allows Smaller Microservices

The Speedment modules have been internally restructured to reduce inter-module coupling. As a result, some of the modules are now optional, allowing even smaller microservices to be deployed. For example, the various database connectors are now individually pickable and the JoinComponent is also optional.

Size Reduction

The need for several internal modules (such as “lazy” and “mutable-stream”) has been eliminated and some of the others have been optimized and reduced in size.

Strong Encapsulation

Thanks to the module system, internal classes are now fully hidden and are even protected from deep-reflection. This strengthens the API (because only intentionally visible classes and methods are accessible) and therefore allows for future migration of internal classes without affecting the public API.

Cloud Deployment Example

It is possible to create a custom JRE + application + speedment libraries that is 10 times smaller and that is using 25% less memory compared to running the application under a standard JDK. If you have a large number of microservices running in the cloud this adds up to a huge difference.

The following example is further described in my article “Java: How to Create Lightweight Database Microservices”. The database application connects to a public MySQL cloud instance of the “Sakila” database with films, actors, etc. It retrieves the ten longest films and prints them on the console in length order.

The custom JRE still has all the bells and whistles of a real JVM like garbage collect, JIT-compiler, etc. It is just the unused modules and tools that have been removed.

final Speedment app = new SakilaApplicationBuilder()

final FilmManager films = app.getOrThrow(FilmManager.class);

System.out.println("These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:");
    .map(film -> String.format(
        "%-18s %d min",

The application will produce the following output:

These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:

GANGS PRIDE        185 min
CHICAGO NORTH      185 min
POND SEATTLE       185 min
THEORY MERMAID     184 min
FRONTIER CABIN     183 min
REDS POCUS         182 min
JACKET FRISCO      181 min
MIXED DOORS        180 min

It turns out that the storage requirement for the standard open JDK 11 is 300 MB compared to the custom JRE which only occupies 30 MB (even including the application and the Speedment runtime). Thus, it is possible to reduce the storage requirements by about 90%. When examining heap usage with jmap, it was concluded that the RAM usage was also reduced by about 25%.

How to Get Speedment 3.2

New users can download Speedment 3.2  using the Initializer.

Existing users can just update the speedment version in their pom.xml file and re-generate the domain model by issuing the following command:

mvn speedment:generate

That’s it. Now your old Speedment application will run under the new version.

If you want to use the module system, add the following file to your Java 8+ application’s root:
module {
    requires com.speedment.runtime.application;
    requires com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql; // (*)

(*) Depending on the database type, you have to replace the MySQL module with the corresponding module for your database. Read all about the various database connector modules here.


Basics about JPMS modules
The complete Speedment release note history can be found here
Speedment on GitHub
The Speedment Initializer capable of generating project templates

Java: How to Create Lightweight Database Microservices

The number of cloud-based Java database applications grows by the minute. Many organizations deploy hundreds if not thousands of microservice instances. However, most applications carry an astounding amount of unnecessary overhead with respect to the runtime environment. This, in turn, makes the application slower and more expensive to run.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to write a database application that is 10 times smaller than normal(*). The storage requirement will be about 32 MB instead of the usual(*) ~300 MB taking both the application, third-party libraries and the Java runtime into account. As a bonus, the required RAM to run the application will also be reduced by 25%.

(*) These are the storage requirements for the following full JDKs (excluding the application and third-party libs):
jdk.8.0_191        360 MB
jdk-9.0.4          504 MB
adoptopenjdk-11    298 MB

Using an ORM that Supports Microservices

Most traditional ORMs do not honor Java module encapsulation. Often, this entails shipping off a lot of unnecessary code.

In this article, I will use the open-source Stream-based Java ORM Speedment, which, in its latest version, supports the Java Platform Module System (JPMS). This enables us to generate an optimized custom Java Runtime Environment (JRE, the parts from the JDK that is needed to run applications) with only the modules explicitly used by our application.

Read about the new features of Speedment 3.2 in this article.

The Application

The entire application we wish to deploy in this article resides as an open-source project on GitHub under the sub-directory “microservice-jlink”. It connects to a public instance of a MySQL “Sakila” database (containing data about films) hosted in the cloud and lists the ten longest films that are rated “PG-13” on the console. The data model is preconfigured to fit the data structure of this database. If you want to create your own application using another database, visit the Speedment initializer to configure a project for that database specifically.

The main method of the application looks like this:

public final class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final Speedment app = new SakilaApplicationBuilder()

        final FilmManager films = app.getOrThrow(FilmManager.class);

        System.out.println("These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:");                          // 1
            .filter(Film.RATING.equal("PG-13")) // 2
            .sorted(Film.LENGTH.reversed())     // 3
            .limit(10)                          // 4
            .map(film -> String.format(         // 5
                "%-18s %d min",
            .forEach(System.out::println);      // 6

First, we pass the database password to the Speedment builder (Speedment never stores passwords internally). The builder is pre-configured with the database IP-address, port, etc. from a configuration file.

Then, we obtain the FilmManager which later can be used to create Java Streams that corresponds directly to the “film” table in the database.

At the end, we:
  1. Create a Stream of the Film entities
  2. Filter out Film entities that have a rating equal to “PG-13”
  3. Sorts the remaining films in reversed length order (longest first)
  4. Limits the stream to the first 10 films
  5. Maps each film entity to a String with film title and film length
  6. Prints each String to the console

The application itself is very easy to understand. It shall also be noted that Speedment will render the Java Stream to SQL under the hood as shown hereunder:
FROM `sakila`.`film` 
WHERE (`rating` = ? COLLATE utf8_bin) 
ORDER BY `length`IS NOT NULL, `length` DESC LIMIT ?,
values:[PG-13, 10]

This means that only the desired film entities are ever pulled in from the database.

When running directly under the IDE, the following output is produced:

These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:
GANGS PRIDE        185 min
CHICAGO NORTH      185 min
POND SEATTLE       185 min
THEORY MERMAID     184 min
FRONTIER CABIN     183 min
REDS POCUS         182 min
JACKET FRISCO      181 min
MIXED DOORS        180 min

This looks perfect.

Modularizing the Project

To use modules, we need to run under Java 9 or greater and there has to be a file in our project:

module microservice.jlink {
    requires com.speedment.runtime.application;
    requires com.speedment.runtime.connector.mysql; // (*)
The module com.speedment.runtime.application is the basic module that is always needed by any Speedment application.

(*) Depending on the database type, you have to replace the MySQL module with the corresponding module for your database. Read all about the various database connector modules here.

Building the Project

As mentioned earlier, the complete project is available on GitHub. This is how you get it:

git clone

Change directory to the relevant sub-project:
cd user-guide-code-samples
cd microservice-jlink

Build the project (you must use Java 9 or higher because of the module system):

mvn clean install

A Custom JRE Build Script

The project also contains a custom JRE build script called containing the following commands:

echo "Building $OUTPUT..."
MODULEPATH=$(find ~/.m2/repository/com/speedment/runtime -name "*.jar" \
  | grep $SPEEDMENT_VERSION.jar | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')
MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:$(find ~/.m2/repository/com/speedment/common -name "*.jar" \
  | grep $SPEEDMENT_VERSION.jar | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')
MODULEPATH=$MODULEPATH:$(find . -name "*.jar" | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':')

$JAVA_HOME/bin/jlink \
--no-header-files \
--no-man-pages \
--compress=2 \
--strip-debug \
--module-path "$JAVA_HOME\jmods:$MODULEPATH" \
--add-modules microservice.jlink,,java.naming,java.rmi,java.transaction.xa \
--output $OUTPUT

This is how the script works:

After setting various parameters, the script builds up the module path by adding the jars of the speedment/runtime and speedment/common directories. Even though we are adding all of them, the module system will later figure out which ones are actually used and discard the other ones. The last line with MODULEPATH will add the JAR file of the application itself.

After all the parameters have been set, we invoke the jlink command which will build the custom JRE. I have used a number of (optional) flags to reduce the size of the target JRE. Because the JDBC driver does not support JPMS, I have manually added some modules that are needed by the driver under the --add-modules parameter.

Building the Ultra-Compact JRE

Armed with the script above, we can create the ultra-compact custom JRE for our cloud database application with a single command:

The build only takes about 5 seconds on my older MacBook Pro. We can check out the total size of the JRE/app with this command:

du -sh customjre/

This will produce the following output:
 32M customjre/
A staggering result! We have a full-fledged JVM with garbage collect, JIT compiler, all libraries (except the JDBC driver) and the application itself packed into only 32 MB of storage!

We can compare this to the JDK itself in its unreduced size which is often used as a baseline for cloud instances.
du -sh $JAVA_HOME

This will produce the following output on my laptop:

298M /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home/

And this figure does not even include the application or any third-party libraries. So, we have reduced the storage requirements with a factor of perhaps 10!

Modules Actually Used

To see what modules that made it through the reduction process, we can issue the following command:
cat customjre/release

This will produce the following output on my machine (reformatted and sorted for clarity):

So, all of Java's modules that were unused (such as javax.crypto) were not included in the custom runtime.

Running the Application

The application can be run using the custom JRE like this:
customjre/bin/java --class-path ~/.m2/repository/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.18/mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar -m microservice.jlink/com.speedment.example.microservices.jlink.Main

The file mysql-connector-java-8.0.18.jar was automatically downloaded by Maven to its local repository when the project was first built (i.e. mvn clean install). Because the MySQL JDBC driver is not compatible with the Java Platform Module System yet, we had to glue it on manually.

When run, the program produces the same output as it did above but from a runtime that was 10 times smaller:
These are the ten longest films rated as PG-13:
GANGS PRIDE        185 min
CHICAGO NORTH      185 min
POND SEATTLE       185 min
THEORY MERMAID     184 min
FRONTIER CABIN     183 min
REDS POCUS         182 min
JACKET FRISCO      181 min
MIXED DOORS        180 min

Memory Usage

A perhaps more important issue is how much application memory (RSS) that is being used by the cloud application in total. A quick look at this reveals that the heap memory usage is also reduced:

Standard JDK

Pers-MBP:speedment pemi$  jmap -histo 38715
 num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)
   1:         25836        3036560  [B (java.base@11.0.5)
   2:          2055        1639408  [I (java.base@11.0.5)
   3:          4234         511568  java.lang.Class (java.base@11.0.5)
   4:         21233         509592  java.lang.String (java.base@11.0.5)
   5:           196         270552  [C (java.base@11.0.5)
   6:          4181         245400  [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@11.0.5)
   7:          4801         153632  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node (java.base@11.0.5)
   8:          3395         135800  java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.5)
1804:             1             16  sun.util.resources.cldr.provider.CLDRLocaleDataMetaInfo (jdk.localedata@11.0.5)
Total        137524        7800144

Custom JRE

Pers-MBP:speedment pemi$  jmap -histo 38783 | head
 num     #instances         #bytes  class name (module)
   1:         22323        1714608  [B (java.base@11.0.5)
   2:          4229         511000  java.lang.Class (java.base@11.0.5)
   3:         19447         466728  java.lang.String (java.base@11.0.5)
   4:          1776         424408  [I (java.base@11.0.5)
   5:            69         264656  [C (java.base@11.0.5)
   6:          4044         240128  [Ljava.lang.Object; (java.base@11.0.5)
   7:          4665         149280  java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Node (java.base@11.0.5)
   8:          3395         135800  java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry (java.base@11.0.5)
1726:             1             16  sun.util.resources.LocaleData$LocaleDataStrategy (java.base@11.0.5)
Total        102904        5727960

Heap Improvement

The heap usage was reduced from 7,800,144 to 5,727,960 bytes (a reduction of over 25%)!

NB: Before I ran the jmap command, I let the application suggest an explicit Garbage Collect and wait for some seconds to even out any differences caused by potential earlier invocations of the Garbage Collector.


Here is a chart that shows the difference in storage requirements (lower is better):

Here is another chart that shows the difference in RAM usage (lower is better):

Modifying the Code

If you want to modify the code, you need to rebuild the app after your changes with:
mvn clean install

and then remove the old customjre and create a new one:
rm -rf customjre/

Creating Your own Database Application

If you want to connect to your own database and want to write your own application logic, you can easily select what tables and columns you want to use and then generate your own java domain model and application builder automatically using the Speedment Tool:

The Speedment tool as used in the project demonstrated in this article.

The tool can be added to your project in the pom.xml file and invoked by mvn speedment:tool. Visit the Speedment Initializer to generate your own custom pom.xml file and application template.

The process can be streamlined by automatic Maven build scripts that will identify any application dependencies and automatic generation of Docker instances that can be deployed instantly following an automatic build. I will write more about this in the coming articles.


The Java Platform Module System (JPMS) allows the building of highly optimized JREs suitable for cloud deployment.
It is possible to reduce both storage and RAM requirements.
Traditional ORMs do not honor full Java module encapsulation
Speedment open-source Stream ORM supports JPMS and can be used to build highly efficient database cloud applications.


Basics about JPMS modules
Speedment on GitHub
The Speedment Initializer capable of generating project pom.xml templates

Friday, November 15, 2019

Become a Master of Java Streams - Part 6: Creating a New Database Application Using Streams

Have you ever wanted to develop an "express" version of your database application? In this Hands-On Lab article, you will learn a truly easy and straightforward method. The entire Java domain model will be automatically generated for you. You just connect to your existing database and then start developing using Java streams. You will be able to create, for example, a new web application for your existing database in minutes.

This article is the last article in the series on How to Become a Master of Java Streams.

Part 1: Creating Streams
Part 2: Intermediate Operations
Part 3: Terminal Operations
Part 4: Database Streams
Part 5: Turn Joined Database Tables Into a Stream
Part 6: Creating a Database Application Using Streams

So far, you got to experience Speedment in the articles and through the exercises. For brevity, we did not include any descriptions on how to start from scratch but rather wanted you to get a glimpse of what using Java Streams with databases could look like. In this article, we’ll show you how to leverage Speedment for applications running against any of your databases. Setup only takes a few minutes but will save you vasts amounts of time due to the expressiveness of Streams and the provided type-safety.

Getting Started 

To help you configure your project, Speedment provides a project Initializer. Once you fill out the details of your project, it provides you with a zip-file containing a pom.xml with the needed dependencies and a starter.

The Speedment Initializer can be used to configure a Speedment project. 

Once you have clicked “download”, unzip the file and open the project in your IDE as a Maven project. In IntelliJ, the easiest way to do that is to choose File -> Open and then select the pom.xml-file in the unzipped project folder.

If you rather want to use Speedment in an existing project, configure your project via the Initializer to make sure you get all needed dependencies. Then simply merge the provided pom.xml with your current one and reimport Maven.

As you may recall from the previous articles, Speedment relies on an automatically generated Java domain model. Hence, before we can write our application, we need to generate the required classes. This is done using the Speedment Tool which is started by running mvn speedment:tool in the terminal or by running the same target via the IDE:s built-in Maven menu.

Firstly, you will be asked to register for a free license and connect to your database. A free license can be used for all open-source databases (unlimited use) and commercial databases (up to 500 MB and doesn’t require any billing information).
A free license can be used with all open-source databases (unlimited) and commercial databases (up to 500 MB and does not require billing information.) 

Once you complete the registration, you will be asked to provide credentials for your database (make sure you selected the correct DB-type in the initializer). Either use a local database of your own or run some tests with the Sakila database we used in the exercises.

Sakila Database Credentials 
Type: MariaDB
Port: 3306
Database name: sakila
User: sakila
Password: sakila
Fill out the database credentials to connect to your data source. (Note: Speedment never stores your database password). 

 A click on the “Connect”-button will launch the Speedment Tool. It presents the database structure to the left-hand side and settings for the selected table or column on the right-hand side. In this case, the default settings are sufficient meaning we can go ahead and press “Generate” (If your application doesn’t require all the tables and/or columns you can disable these before generating).

The Speedment Tool visualizes the data structure and allows customizations of the generated code.

Next, Speedment will analyze the database metadata and generate the entire Java domain model. Once this process is completed you are ready to write your application. If you check out the, you will find a project starter containing something like this:

public class Main {
    public static void main(final String... args) {

        Speedment app = new MyApplicationBuilder()




From here, you are ready to build your application using the examples we have provided in the previous articles. Thereby, we can close the circle by fetching a Manager for the Film table (a handle to the content of the film table) by typing:

FilmManager films = app.getOrThrow(FilmManager.class);

Using the Manager we can now query our connected database as we have shown: 

List<Film> filmsTitleStartsWithA =
filmsTitleStartsWithA: [
   FilmImpl { filmId=15, title=ALIEN CENTER, …, rating=NC-17, length = 46,
   FilmImpl { filmId=2, title=ACE GOLDFINGER, …, rating=G, length = 48,
… ]


This week there is no associated GitHub repo for you to play with. Instead, we encourage you to integrate Speedment in a new or an existing database application to try out your newly acquired skills.

Extra Exercise

When you are ready with your project, we encourage you to try out HyperStream, especially if you have a large database and want to increase the reading performance.

HyperStream goes beyond Stream and adds in-JVM-memory capabilities which boost application speed by orders of magnitude. You only need to add a few lines of code in your existing pom.xml and your file:

    .withBundle(InMemoryBundle.class) // add to the app builder


    // Load data from database into materialized view
    app.getOrThrow(DataStoreComponent.class) .load();

Read more in the user-guide. The Stream API remains the same but performance is vastly increased.


During the past six weeks, we have demonstrated the usefulness of the Java Stream API and how it can be leveraged for writing type-safe database applications in pure Java. If you wish to learn more about Speedment, check out the user guide which also contains a more thorough guide on Java Streams.

Lastly - thank you for taking interest in our article series, it has been truly great to see that many of you have been following along with the provided exercises. Happy coding!


Per Minborg
Julia Gustafsson


Further reading about Speedment Stream JOINs 
Speedment Manual 
Speedment Initializer 
Speedment on GitHub

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Become a Master of Java Streams - Part 5: Turn Joined Database Tables into a Stream

Is it possible to turn joined database tables into a Java Stream? The answer is yes. Since we got this question so many times, we decided to throw in another hands-on-lab article explaining how to perform more advanced Stream Joins. So here you are, the fifth article out of six, complemented by a GitHub repository containing instructions and exercises to each unit.

Part 1: Creating Streams
Part 2: Intermediate Operations
Part 3: Terminal Operations
Part 4: Database Streams
Part 5: Turn Joined Database Tables into Streams
Part 6: Creating a Database Application Using Streams

Stream JOINs

In the last article, we pointed out the great resemblance between Streams and SQL constructs. Although, the SQL operation JOIN lacks a natural mapping in the general case. Therefore, Speedment leverages its own JoinComponent to join up to 10 tables (using INNER JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, LEFT JOIN or CROSS JOIN) in a type-safe way. Before we introduce the JoinComponent in more depth, we will elaborate on the similarities between individual tables and joins.

We previously used a Speedment Manager as a handle to a database table. This process is visualized below:

A Manager acts as a handle to a database table and can act as a stream source. In this case, every row corresponds to an instance of Film.

Now that we wish to retrieve data from multiple tables, the Manager on its own is not sufficient. An SQL JOIN-query outputs a virtual table that combines data from multiple tables in different ways (e.g. depending on the join-type and WHERE-clauses). In Speedment, that virtual table is represented as a Join<T> object holding tuples of type T.

Join Component

To retrieve a Join-object we need the previously mentioned JoinComponent which uses a builder pattern. The resulting Join-objects are reusable and acts as handles to "virtual join tables", as described by this image:

The JoinComponent creates a Join-object which acts as a handle to a virtual table (the result of the join) and can act as a stream source. In this case, every row corresponds to an instance of Tuple2.
Now that we have introduced the notion of the JoinComponent we can start demonstrating how it is used.


We start by looking at a Many-to-One relationship where multiple rows from a first table can match the same single row in a second table. For example, a single language may be used in many films. We can combine the two tables Film and Language using the JoinCompontent:
Join<Tuple2<Film, Language>> join = joinComponent

Basically, we start with the Film table and perform an INNER JOIN with the Language table on rows that have matching language_id:s.

We can then use the Join-object to stream over the resulting Tuples and print them all out for display. As always with Streams, no specific order of the elements is guaranteed even if the same join-element is reused.

Tuple2Impl {FilmImpl { filmId = 1, title = ACADEMY DINOSAUR, ... }, LanguageImpl { 
languageId = 1, name = English, ... }}

Tuple2Impl {FilmImpl { filmId = 2, title = ACE GOLDFINGER, ... }, LanguageImpl {
languageId = 1, name = English, ... }}

Tuple2Impl {FilmImpl { filmId = 3, title = ADAPTATION HOLES, ... }, LanguageImpl {
languageId = 1, name = English, ... }}


A Many-to-Many relationship is defined as a relationship between two tables where many multiple rows from a first table can match multiple rows in a second table. Often a third table is used to form these relations. For example, an actor may participate in several films and a film usually have several actors.

The relation between films and actors in Sakila is described by the FilmActor table which references films and actors using foreign keys. Hence, if we would like to relate each Film entry to the actors who starred in that movie we need to join all three tables:
Join<Tuple3<FilmActor, Film, Actor>> join = joinComponent

We start with the table describing the relation between the Film and Actor and perform and INNER JOIN with both Film and Actor on matching FILM_ID:s and ACTOR_ID:s respectively.

Collect Join Stream to Map

Our Join-object can now be used to create a Map that correlates a Film with a List of the starring Actor:s. Since the elements of our stream are Tuples we need to point to the desired entries. This is done using zero-indexed getters (get0() referencing FilmActor and so on).
Map<Film, List<Actor>> actorsInFilms =
            mapping(Tuple3::get2, toList())   
Lastly we print the entries to display the name of the films and actors.
actorsInFilms.forEach((f, al) ->
    System.out.format("%s : %s%n",
            .map(a -> a.getFirstName() + " " + a.getLastName())
            .collect(joining(", ")

Filtering Tables

If we know initially that we are only interested in a subset of the Film entries, it is more efficient to get rid of these instances as we define the Join-object. This is done using the .where()-operator which is the equivalent to a filter() on a stream (and maps to the SQL keyword WHERE). As a filter it takes a Predicate that evaluates to true or false and should be expressed using Speedment Fields for optimization. Here we want to find the language of the films with titles beginning with an “A”:
Join<Tuple2<Film, Language>> join = joinComponent

If further filtering is needed, it is possible to stack any number of .where()-operations as they are combined with the SQL keyword AND under the hood.

Specialized Constructors

Sofar we have had to deal with the fairly abstract getters of the tuples (get0, get1 and so on). Although, upon building our Join-object we can provide any constructor to specialized objects. In the examples shown above, we have been interested in the title of the films and the name of the actors. That allows us to define our own object TitleActorName as such:
final class TitleActorName {
    private final String title;
    private final String actorName;

    TitleActorName(Film film, Actor actor) {
       this.title = film.getTitle();
       this.actorName = actor.getFirstName() + actor.getLastName();
    public String title() {
        return title;
    public String actorName() {
        return actorName;
    public String toString() {
        return "TitleLanguageName{" + "title=" + title + ", actorName=" + actorName + '}';
We then provide the constructor of our own object to the Join builder and discard the linking FilmActor instance since it’s not used:

Join<TitleActorName> join = joinComponent
    .build((fa, f, a) -> new TitleActorName(f, a));

This greatly improves the readability of any operations involving the resulting Join-object.

Map<String, List<String>> actorsInFilms =
            mapping(TitleActorName::actorName, toList())
    actorsInFilms.forEach((f, al) ->
        System.out.format("%s : %s%n", f, al)

Simplifying Types

When a large number of tables are joined, the Java type can be tedious to write (e.g. Tuple5<...>). If you use a more recent version of Java, you can simply omit the type for the local variable like this:

var join = joinComponent
In this case, Java will automatically infer the type to Join<Tuple2<Film, Language>>

If you are using an older Java version, you can inline the join-declaration and the stream operator like this:



This week’s exercises will require combined knowledge from all the previous units and therefore acts as a great follow-up on the previous modules. There is still a connection to an instance of the Sakila database in the cloud so no setup of Speedment is needed. As usual, the exercises can be located in this GitHub repo. The content of this article is sufficient to solve the fifth unit which is called MyUnit5Extra. The corresponding Unit5Extra interface contains JavaDocs which describe the intended implementation of the methods in MyUnit5Extra.
public interface Unit5Extra {
 * Creates and returns a new Map with Actors as keys and
 * a List of Films in which they appear as values.
 * <p>
 * The result might look like this:
 * ActorImpl { actorId = 126, firstName = FRANCES, lastName = TOMEI, ... }=[FilmImpl { filmId = 21, title = AMERICAN CIRCUS, ...}, ...]
 * …
 * @param joinComponent for data input
 * @return a new Map with Actors as keys and
 *         a List of Films in which they appear as values
Map<Actor, List<Film>> filmographies(JoinComponent joinComponent);

The provided tests (e.g. Unit5ExtraTest) will act as an automatic grading tool, letting you know if your solution was correct or not.

Next Article

By now we hopefully managed to demonstrate how neat the Stream API is for database queries. The next article will move beyond the realm of movie rentals and allow you to write standalone database applications in pure Java for any data source. Happy coding!


Per Minborg
Julia Gustafsson


GitHub Opensource Project Speedment
Speedment Stream ORM Initializer
GitHub Repository "hol-streams"
Article Part 1: Creating Streams
Article Part 2: Intermediate Operations
Article Part 3: Terminal Operations