Thursday, January 14, 2016

Be Lazy with Java 8


One of the most distinguished feature of us programmers is that we are inherently lazy. Not in a bad way that we do not want to work, but in a better way: We do not want to do the same thing twice and we do not want to do it at all if we do not have to. In fact, not writing code is often the better alternative in the cases you can reuse something else instead.

The same thing is true for our applications. Often, we want them to be lazy so that they only do what is absolutely necessary and nothing more.

I have used the Lazy class presented here in the open-source project Speedment that makes database applications really short and concise.

Read more on how we can make our applications lazy in this post.

Implementing Lazy Initialization

In this post, the goal is to show a Lazy class that can be used for objects with a relatively long life expectancy and where there might be any number of calls (from zero to the millions) to a particular method. We must also ensure that the class is thread safe. Lastly, we want to have maximum performance for different threads calling the class many times.

Here is the proposed class:

public final class Lazy<T> {

    private volatile T value;

    public T getOrCompute(Supplier<T> supplier) {
        final T result = value;  // Read volatile just once...
        return result == null ? maybeCompute(supplier) : result;

    private synchronized T maybeCompute(Supplier<T> supplier) {
        if (value == null) {
            value = requireNonNull(supplier.get());
        return value;


The Lazy class can be used in many applications. Immutable classes are especially good candidates for lazy initialization. For example, Java's built-in String class employs lazy initialization in its hashCode() method. Here is one example how we can use the Lazy class:
public class Point {

    private final int x, y;
    private final Lazy<String> lazyToString;

    public Point(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x; 
        this.y = y;
        lazyToString = new Lazy<>();

    public String toString() {
        return lazyToString.getOrCompute( () -> "(" + x + ", " + y + ")");


Looking back on the Lazy class again, we see that it only contains a single “holder” field for its value (I will explain why the field is not declared volatile later on) (EDIT: the field must be volatile to guarantee our requirements). There is also a public method getOrCompute() that allows us to retrieve the value. This method also takes a Supplier that will be used if and only if the value has not been set previously. The Supplier must produce a non-null value. Note the use of a local variable result, allowing us to reduce the number of volatile reads from two to one where the Lazy instance has been initialized already. Before I explain the features of this particular implementation, we need to revisit the Java Memory Model and particularly variable visibility across threads. If you want, you can skip the next chapter and just accept that Lazy works as it supposed to do. However, I do encourage you to read on.

The Java Memory Model and Visibility

One of the key issues with the Java Memory Model is the concept of visibility. If Thread 1 updates a variable someValue = 2 then when would the other threads (e.g. Thread 2) see this update? It turns out that Thread 1’s update will not be seen immediately by other threads. In fact, there is no guarantee as to how quickly a change in this variable will be seen by other threads at all. It could be 100 ns, 1 ms, 1 s or even 10 years in theory. There are performance reasons for isolating the java memory view between threads. Because each thread can have its own memory view, the level of parallelism will be much higher than if threads were supposed to share and guarantee the same memory model.

Some of the benefits with relaxed visibility are that it allows:

  • The compiler to reorder instructions in order to execute more efficiently
  • The compiler to cache variables in CPU registers
  • The CPU to defer flushing of writes to main memory
  • Old entries in reading processors’ caches to be used

The Java keywords final, synchronized and volatile allows us to change the visibility of objects across threads. The Java Memory Model is quite a big topic and perhaps I will write a more elaborate post on the issue later on. However, in the case of synchronization, a thread that enters a synchronization block must invalidate its local memory (such as CPU registers or cache entries that involves variables inside the synchronization block) so that reads will be made directly from main memory. In the same way, a thread that exists a synchronization block must flush all its local memory. Because only one thread can be in a synchronization block at any given time, the effect is that all changes to variables are effectively visible to all threads that enters the synchronization block. Note that threads that do not enter the synchronization block does not have any visibility guarantee.

Also, If a field is declared volatile, reads and writes are always made via main memory and in order. Thus, updates to the field are seen by other threads at the cost of performance.

Properties of the Lazy Class

The field value is declared volatile and in the previous chapter we just learned that there are guarantees for visibility in that case and also, more importantly, guarantees of exact timing and in-order execution. So, if Thread 1 calls the Supplier and sets the value, Thread 2 might not see the update. If so, Thread 2 will enter the maybeCompute() method and because it is synchronized it will now, in fact, see Thread 1's update and it will see that the value was already set. From now on, Thread 2 will have a correct view of the value and it will never enter the synchronization block again. This is good if Thread 2 is expected to call the Lazy class many times. If another Thread 3 is created much later, it will most likely see the correct value from the beginning and we avoid synchronization altogether. So, for medium to long lived objects, this scheme is a win! We get thread isolation with no synchronization overhead.

When Are Lazy Appropriate to Use?

Lazy is a good choice if we want to defer calculation to a later time and we do not want to repeat the calculation. If we, on the other hand, know in advance that our toString() method is always going to be called many times, then we would not use the Lazy class. Instead, we could just calculate the toString() value once and for all eagerly in the constructor and store its value for later re-use.


The Lazy class is a very simple, yet powerful means of deferred calculation and a nice tool for performance optimization. The Lazy performs exceptionally well under the circumstances it was constructed for, with no thread synchronization overhead whatsoever for medium and long lived objects.

The Lazy class, as shown, is used in the open-source project Speedment in a number of applications including SQL rendering where, for example, the columns for a table remains the same during the JVM lifetime. Speedment is a tool that allows access to databases using standard Java 8 streams.

Be lazy and “steal” the Lazy class here so that your applications can be lazy too...


  1. Hello,

    If I rewrite a little bit your Lazy class:

    public T getOrCompute(Supplier supplier) {
    if (value == null) {
    synchronzied (this) {
    if (value == null) {
    value = requireNonNull(supplier.get());
    return value;
    } else {
    return value;

    Which is a pure DCL!

    Please read the excellent post from Aleksey Shipilëv on this:

    => requires volatile to be correct!


    1. You are right about the comment that the field must be volatile. I have updated the post accordingly. Thank you for the heads up.

  2. Hi and thanks for the great article. Got a question though or maybe a simple misunderstanding:

    "Also, If a field is declared volatile, reads and writes are always made via main memory and in order."

    "The field value is declared volatile and in the previous chapter we just learned that there are guarantees for visibility in that case but still there is no guarantee of exact timing and ordering."

    Sooooo, which of the statements are true? Order or not? Thanks.

  3. Hi Chris,
    I simply missed to update that part when Jean-Philippe commented on the need for volatile. I have updated the post so that now it reads "...there are guarantees for visibility in that case and also, more importantly, guarantees of exact timing and in-order execution"


  4. Nice, thank you. Much clearer for me now! :-)

  5. I wouldn't split your double checked locking into two methods. That's a bit too subtle to recognise...

  6. Using a Lazy wrapper (eg. Lazy) also mean that you cannot pass it to methods expecting a Foo. Ideally you would like to construct an immutable Foo instance that is seamlessly lazy. IMO, the best way to do this is via a static factory method:

    Foo lazy(Supplier fooExpression)

    the resulting Foo would lazily evaluate the inner Foo (call get on the Supplier, and memoize result) only when a method requiring access to Foo state is called.

    See for a practical implementation of this design.

  7. Hi,

    it seems to me that in this particular situation the volatile is redundant. Since the "value" holder variable can only change from null value to a fixed one (sort of final from then on), everything should work anyway.
    This is my reasoning: if current thread sees the holder variabile as not null, it means it was set to this value by a thread running on the same CPU (maybe current thread itself, in any case no sync problem), or it was set by a thread running on a different CPU. But in this case the CPU running current thread already synchronized with main memory, otherwise the holder variable should still be null. Of course there is the case when CPU running current thread didn't synchronize and holder variable is null, but for this there is the synchronized method.
    Is this correct or am I missing something ?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I don't think so.
    The volatile keyword have another property that isn't mentioned here, a write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that field. For the purposes of the Java programming language memory model, a single write to a non-volatile long or double value is treated as two separate writes: one to each 32-bit half. This can result in a situation where a thread sees the first 32 bits of a 64-bit value from one write, and the second 32 bits from another write.
    Writes and reads of volatile long and double values are always atomic. Writes to and reads of references are always atomic, regardless of whether they are implemented as 32-bit or 64-bit values.
    Implementations of the Java Virtual Machine are encouraged to avoid splitting 64-bit values where possible. Hence programmers are encouraged to declare shared 64-bit values as volatile or synchronize their programs correctly to avoid possible complications.

    1. The "value" holder variable is a reference and so (as you wrote) it's read and written in an atomic way, regardless of the presence of the volatile keyword. This way a thread can see it only as null or as it's definitive (not null) value.

    2. My last sentence took from the Java Memory Model article, which contradicts yours.

  10. I fail to see difference between this example and Guava's Suppliers.memoize() supplier. Thanks for explanation but I wouldn't encourage others to reinvent the wheel ;)

    1. getOrCompute is doing a side effect (not referentially transparent). The get method of Guava's Supplier.memoize is referentially transparent.

      So this "Lazy" class is significantly harder to reason about.

    2. Good point, one less reason to do it by oneself.

  11. Am I seeing things or this Lazy class won't compile? Julian

    1. I have double-checked the Lazy class and it works for me. Make sure you run Java 8 or else it will not work.

  12. Lazy can now be found at


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